who would care for these new ones? An evangelist primarily is
interested in winning the lost.
But if everyone were an
evangelist, the people who get saved always would be babies.
God saw these babies needed a shepherd and He set pastors in
the church.
He wanted the sheep to be fed. He also put teachers
in the church to help people grow in faith and the knowledge of
the Word.
My son, who is more than 40 years old, is an ordained
minister. For the first 15 years of his life, I carried him on my
faith and did his praying for him. He always received his
But when Ken was 15 years old, He got a severe ear
infection. His ear was really hurting him and he wanted to go to
the doctor.
The doctor said he had an incurable fungus condition
in one ear which he probably got from swimming.
Ken kept having to go back to the doctor to have his ear
cleaned. The doctor said he probably would lose his hearing in
that ear, and it would cause him trouble all his life.
The Lord told me that He expected my boy to walk in the
light of what he knew because he knew the way.
The Lord said
my praying wouldn’t work for him anymore.
At Christmas time, I had to take Ken back to the doctor to
have the fungus cleaned out of his ear again. The doctors said he
couldn’t go swimming anymore because the more he was around
water, the faster the fungus would grow.
I told my son what the
Lord had told me. I told him he would have to believe God for
Ken looked at me, still wanting to use my faith for his
healing. I told him that while I would kneel with him when he
prayed, I wasn’t going to pray at all; he had to pray for himself.
He prayed and got his healing. Years have passed and the fungus
never reappeared.
If people follow their natural inclinations, they want to
remain babies and let someone else carry them. But you can pray
the prayer of faith for yourself; quit saying you can’t.