Follow the Rules To Get Results11
Everywhere it says “you” in the following Scripture, insert
your name: “Therefore, I say unto YOU, what things soever
YOU desire, when you pray, believe that YOU receive them, and
YOU shall have them” (Mark 11:24).
That’s what my son did when he prayed. When we got up off
our knees, he didn’t have any evidence of healing. But when I
asked him if he was healed, he said, ‘Yes!” He said he was
healed because the Bible said so.
You have to profess and believe God even though the things
you desire in prayer haven’t manifested yet. You have to stand
your ground. If someone questions you, say you believe God
heard you. Tell them you don’t care what the devil says, because
you believe God and His Word.
Then you’ll see results!