TEXTS: 2Chron.16: 9; Jer.5: 1; Ezek.22: 29-30
1. God has always used men in every generation
2. God is always looking for a man to use, not methods, plans, systems,
organizations, but God uses men
3. God’s Plan is God’s Man
4. 70 Elders (Num.11: 24-30 ; 16: 1-end) and 12 spies (Num.13: 1-33 –
14: 1-24) messed up the children of Israel
5. Even the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ eventually had to distinguish
themselves individually.
6. All New Testament callings were personal – Matt.25: 14-15; Acts 13:
1-4; 15: 36-41; Eph.4: 11-14; Rom.12: 3-12.
7. Likewise, we shall render account to God individually – Rom.14: 12;
Rev.22: 12
Deduction: Distinguish yourself as you stand out for God and don’t hide
in the congregation or in group dynamics
1. For good or for bad e.g. Satan & Judas
2. Unto honor or unto dishonor – 2Tim.2: 19-21, Acts 6: 2-4
3. Hidden & public
4. Short-term, Medium-term or Long-term
5. Temporarily or permanently – Stone or stick, Handkerchief & Tissue
paper – Naaman’s Housemaid; Boy with lunch pack
6. Local, Regional, National or International
7. Leaders of 10s, 50s, 100s, 1000s, etc