• person, not with pride or arrogance but humility, in gentleness and meekness.

The words of our mouth must be calm and encouraging that such can be restored. It must not be the words that will tear such a person down the more, in the process of trying to restore the person we must be careful not to fall into the same temptation ourselves. In this area wisdom is pro?table to direct. Proverbs 4:7 KJV Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. From these words the Holy Spirit spoke through Paul there are three things we must take vividly note of. 1. A believer can become overtaken by a sin if he is not careful: though he is a spirit-?lled person, sancti?ed and upright yet he may fall. This is why Paul says 1 Corinthians 10:12 KJV Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. But the moment a person does not take heed and he begins to fall constantly, Satan works on this in his heart, it will get to a point Satan would begin to show him how useless and hypocritical he is, telling him different kinds of lies. Lies Satan Tells Believers – God cannot forgive you anymore. You are an unserious person so God has forsaken you totally because of your sins. – You are a hypocrite, you preach against this always yet you are always falling into it, therefore you have been neglected by God. – You don’t need to ask for forgiveness again because your sins are too many to be forgiven. – You cannot be free from this sin again because you have constantly been falling into it so it is better you give up and go to hell honorably. – Why not continue in this same sin you have tried to become free from since you have been unable to and you can also see that God did not help you out, forget about Him and start enjoying yourself. 3

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