Restoring The Fallen Brethren keeps falling into a particular sin and it gets to a point, the person thinks God can no longer forgive and accept him, he becomes discouraged then refuses to repent of that sin, becomes overtaken by that sin and remains in it. It is therefore the responsibility of those who are spiritual to help him stand back in the faith, this is one of the reasons the church is formed; and everyone must belong to one. This point is not when such a person should be gossiped about or pushed away but they people should rally around him or her to help him or her stand back, the truth is that every one of us have one fault or the other in our lives that we are looking forward to overcoming until we get to perfection, it is just that for the one who is overtaken by sin, it will be clearly and evidently seen by all. There is a difference between someone who falls into sin and someone overtaken by sin. We should know that the sins we fall into should not be kept a total secret. James 5:16 KJV Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. These may not be known to those who are not in Christ but it should not be hidden from true brethren. The major reason it must not be hidden is so that we can pray for one another so that one can be healed. When a person confesses his fault, it is not right for such faults to be made public to all and sundry that the name of Christ may not be blasphemedamongunbelievers.Exceptinsomecaseswhere discipline has to be put in place to correct such a person and that others may learn and fear. 1 Timothy 5:20 KJV Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. It is wrong to go about as a tale bearer discussing other people’s faults with others, it can weaken the faith of the person being talked about. Those who are spiritual, that is, truly godly and heavenly conscious are true brethren whom one can confer to and they will join one in prayers that we might overcome even as they too tell us share their experiences with us so that we might be healed altogether.

Furthermore, if one is deep in the mire of sin and as such is already held grip and is becoming helpless, one should quickly help the 2

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